Friday, December 30, 2005

almost new years...

so, i was thinking this: why not post my new years resolutions here:

obviously the first one is to keep up with not smoking (everyone keeps telling me i can tough it out, but i'm not so sure anymore. i spend a lot and i do mean A LOT of time crying lately--yes, crying)

next would be to try and get in a better practice of saving money. now, this year i did pretty good i think, i put 200$ away this year and i didn't touch it, i would just like to have a bit of a bigger nestegg.

you know, i could say something about trying to keep up with my house cleaning more, but that is simply NOT going to happen

i guess this is good for now. TTFN

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

day 9

so, why is this such a hard day in regards to smoking? this is one of the more difficult days to date since i quit. i want a cigarette so bad i can't even see straight, or think about anything else. argh.


the next time an ovaltine commercial comes on the television, this is what i think everyone should try (mostly only though if someone is home with you) when the mother says, "Who wants ovaltine"? scream at the top of your lungs--and i do mean Scream--I WANT IT!! Scream it so loud that your neighbors can hear you.

it's fun..honest. give it a try. let me know how it works for you.

false alarm

so, jack's okay. i'm going to try and find a picture of him to show you. hubba hubba. now he is on television again, but this time he is not wearing a shirt so i really have to go.

very rainy today

this is the best candy bar in the world. and did you know it has fewer calories and fat. sorry but now i have to go, i'm watching as the world turns and jack just got shot.

this was a scary moment

this guy broke into my house and held my stuffed sam goody snowman as hostage. i fought him off the best i could, but in the end, the snowman didn't fare so well. goodbye sam goody, i will remember you always.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

more useful information

my son just came home from work and he is wearing his mad bomber hat which kinda looks like this one:

so far today, this is what i have done

i have eaten 3 chocolate marshmellow cookies. i played freecell--these are my current stats: 802 wins 189 losses total percentile is: 81% also, the most games i have won in a row
is 47. i looked up cartoons from get fuzzy. i looked up the lyrics for one of the songs from the garden state movie soundtrack (remy zero's fair) i've also done some dishes, cleaned up in general and oh yeah, I HAVE NOT SMOKED AND BELIEVE YOU ME, TODAY I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SMOKE. IT IS DAY 7 IF YOU DID NOT ALREADY KNOW THAT. don't worry, i'm sure i will be back later today. TTFN

this is it...the moment you've all been waiting for

yup i know you have all been asking yourselves, hmmm. i wonder what kimikokopuff's favorite scene was on arrested development last night. what a great question! so, michael, (the one on the left) is trying to get (his uncle)oscar (the one one on the right) to get back together with his mom. so michael tells oscar "wouldn't you like some afternoon delight (the song was featured prominately in the episode) with mom"? well, oscar (because he is a pothead) thinks that michael is of course talking about the pot, and so he asks michael, "how do you think i should give it to her"? well, michael is of course, horrified, and without giving too much of the plot or storyline away, suffice it to say that oscar ends the conversation by saying, "maybe i'll give it to her in her brownie" great television people, you don't know what you are missing.

Monday, December 26, 2005


6 plus days. wow. i'm so flippin proud of myself i can hardly stand it. my favorite christmas present you ask? season two of arrested development of course. so, i suppose i should go clean up some of the christmas mess, just thought i'd check in with my loyal fan following (are you out there liz??) TTFN

Friday, December 23, 2005


ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, do i have an announcement for you...that's right, 72 hours has come and gone and i am proud to announce, no cigarette has touched these lips. so someone, anyone, get in here, tell me something about your struggles to quit, tell me how you've tried to quit before, whatever, just encourage me, tell me i can keep going. i'm looking for support here people, and yet, i am immensely proud of myself. 77 and one half smoke free hours. woo hoo!!

okay, so i've been watching that new game show, deal or no deal. and even though the concept of the game is rather minimal i am finding that i enjoy it, and actually think it would be fun to be a contestant. although, i am also afraid that were i to get on the show, i would make a deal far too soon, all that money would just get to me and i don't think i could turn it down, but who knows maybe greed would get to me as well.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

almost 53 hours

probably not going to make it, again, not referring to going back to smoking, no, no, i'm talking about living, i'll be dying any minute now. my chest is about ready to explode, i'm losing my voice and oh yeah, this is a nice seems i WON"T be getting my paycheck as i was supposed to tomorrow and

oh bonuses, and you know all in all, that's fine, but NOT WHEN ONE EMPLOYEE ALREADY GOT ONE!!!!

So, this is what i found out...i really and and i do mean, really want a cigarrette when i sit in front of the computer sobbing uncontrollably. and yet, get ready faithful reader (liz) i didn't do it!! i didn't smoke!! i did it myself!! adam would have gone to buy them for me too i'm sure. i didn't ask! woo hoo woo hoo. happy dances all around.

so, on a more serious, interesting, note you know what i really hate? when a soap couple (i'm referring specifically now to guilding light and tammy and jonathan. ) i hate hate hate when they let a couple who by all rights should be together, actually be together. i know that doesn't make sense, but actually it does...make your viewer uncomfortable, make them scream at the tv, no, you idiots let them be together, because why deliver too early? it doesn't make it as much fun to watch. make your viewer suffer, that's what i say.

2 whole days

technically 49.5 hours. still not sure i am going to make it, (living is what i mean)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

33 hours....still counting

and here's what i'm thinking now. first, quitting smoking at ANY time is not

also, it is obvious so far that the only thing in this world i seem to know a great deal about (aside from poetry) is television. i keep looking at the other blogs out there and so many that are so intellectual, political, thoughtful in nature...

and then there's mine. so, why fight it. my new goal is to keep readers, any present readers, any future readers up to date with the news of television. maybe movies periodically. maybe gossip. whatever strikes my fancy.

--need an update on:
--the bold and the beautiful?
--as the world turns?
--guiding light?
--the office?
--arrested development?
--desperate housewives?
--will and grace?
--boston legal?
--just ask.

34 hours now.

get arrested

have you been arrested yet? what i mean to ask is this...

sign up at (i've added the link) to keep up with those folks at ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT
which is most definetely the funniest show on television these days.

26 hours and counting


apparantly i am insane. does anyone have any idea how stupid it is to try and quit smoking BEFORE the holdiays are over?

--my plan, my original well thought plan was this...quit on the 26th, get through the rest of this already stressful enough periodof time, thank you very much, and quit when it is OVER

--but no...let's take the cigarettes we have left, break them up in the trashcan, throw away ALL the lighters, ALL the ashtrays and quit. so, 25 hours and counting. i am convinced death is somewhere very near in the fututre.

Monday, December 19, 2005

here's the deal

watch the movie Prancer
drink half a bottle of wine
and lo and behold
christmas spirit appears!

does anyone else feel this way?

i am so completely overwhelmed at this moment (well, perhaps not at this exact moment but that's because i have a glass of wine in front of me) nonetheless, why am i overwhelmed you ask? because it's time yet once again for christmas. i have a week left to finish my baking, my shopping, christmas cards, (don't worry, lizy, yours is on its way!) i have a week left to put up and decorate my christmas tree, maybe hang lights, and oh yes, don't forget trying to work, clean the house, and pay the bills. and i'm really trying hard here not to complain because i don't believe that is what i am doing, i suppose what my attempt here is to do is to try and understand this compulsion to make everything so perfect for christmas. i mean, it would be really easy for me to say, "what happened to the message behind christmas" but i would be guilty of losing sight of that as well as anyone.

i am guilty of that. hmm.

maybe it's just a part of being an adult (second glass of wine now in front of me, good stuff, mirassou's pinot noir, which i highly recommend) i just long for the days of christmas as seen through the eyes of a child, all that wide eyed wonder and anticipation. don't get me wrong, i love the time i spend with my family and friends on the day itself, i cherish the memories, appreciate my good fortune and all that. it's that i still find myself seeking more peace i suppose.

given that i don't make it back before christmas, the best of wishes to all.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

day 2

hey all (mostly by this, i really mean, hey lizy) so, this is what is going on today...right now, i am most excited about tonight. we are having a poetry reading with the college literary magazine i work with. i enjoy reading in front of people (who knew that would happen) so i'm hoping we will have a huge turnout. also, the second most exciting prospect today is waiting until thursday night, and yes, you guessed, it, survivor!! who will be eliminated? will stephanie finally have to eat her words after being such a nasty bitch, i mean really, who saw that coming? and then, sunday! woo hoo! the final night. yes, cin and i are already planning our party. true survivor participants have parties at the beginning of each survivor show and at the finale. true survivor participants have watched from the very beginning and try to schedule their lives around thursday nights. this is the point that someone could interject the following words, LOSERS.

Monday, December 05, 2005

my first post

ta da! i did this myself! okay, so my son helped me because computer and savvy are not two words that frequent my vocabulary on a regular basis. i'm starting this because i wanted to reply to lizy's blog and figured i might as well give myself another thing to do in my already too full day. i am a full time student in a master's program (studying yes, poetry) i teach one day a week , i work several days a week at a dry cleaners (where i met the infamous aforementioned lizy) and i help run the college literary magazine. what does blog stand for anyways? i'll work on coming up with an interesting topic to write about on my next post.