Wednesday, February 21, 2007

brittney beat me to it!!

unfair!! i get this great idea. and while it came to me under the influence of having the flu, i still thought the idea rocked. i wanted to cut off all my hair. i mean all of it. i thought how cool it would be to see what my head looked like under all this hair. i called my best friend to tell her and she said i had to wait and think about it. and in the meantime, what happened you ask? oh yes, miss brittney goes and does the same thing! copy cat. and now if i do it, people will just think i'm trying to be like her. and i'm cuter. its just not fair.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

how is this possible???

i don't believe this. i decided to be brave and look up my loan amounts for school. i owe a lot. i mean a lot. i mean more than i can possibly expect to earn in the rest of my working lifetime. i owe an amount so large it warrants going back to bed. and now i'm taking out loans for my son to go to school. i can't remember how to post pictures to my blog, how can i be expected to pay back this much money?? anyone want to hire a poet who in all honesty really can't dance?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

woo hoo---she's baaaaack

i'm eating fishsticks while i write this. do you know what i say when i am eating fishsticks? i say, mmmmmm fishsticks. so sad, if i could remember how to upload a picture i would put a picture of fishsticks here.

do you know what i say when i am eating chocolate pudding? mmmmmmmm pudding.

it is almost time for me to graduate. i'm thinking i will become a ballerina and dance in talent shows. i'm good. trust me.

my television has been very limited these days. i only get channel six (nbc) in and somedays fox. so my new favorite show is deal or no deal. i would always take the deal after the first or second offer. it would pay for me to travel around and dance.

til next time, ta ta for now!